Tuesday 28 March 2017

exercise ( task 7)

1-  railways                                e) Transportation

2- cultivation of oranges            j) citrus faming

3- troposphere                          g) atmosphere

4- cotton growing                     i)  industrial crops

5- under population                   h) population

6- panama canal                       c) sea routes

7- growth of new york           b) urbanisation 

8- uranium                              a) ores

9- coal production                   d) mining

10- rainfall                               f) climate

Sunday 5 March 2017

Kyoto Protocol

In our century we need  a lot of Protocols about global warming like Kyoto Protocol,so that to remind the world that global warming an important topic, also to find  solution about this matter by using another way to produce energy like wind energy or solar energy to avoid carbon production.

Solar Taxi

The renewable energy is the best way to reduce carbon emissions of greenhouse . Solar energy is one of the alternative sources of energy so solar taxi is one of a lot of things that is  environmentally-friendly. I think united nations should encourage countries to produce it so that we can save our plant from damage.